On 1/23/2011 14:15, Bo Berglund wrote:
After making a search on my complete disk I found the file sqldb.pp in
the FPC2.4.2 folder tree.
That is, it was not found in the lazarus tree at all, is this OK?

After adding the new lines from the patch I want to test it, but I
don't know how I can make lazarus use the new file....
Just compiling my example again seems not to work.

What can I do to make it "take"? Do I need to compile FPC (since the
file is part of the FPC sources) or do I rebuild the lazarus itself?
Or maybe both?

I have actually no clue in this respect. I always worked in Delphi
before and there the compiler checked the files and recompiled if
needed, but with lazarus it seems like you have to do this manually...

FWIW: i'm pretty sure you have already gotten an answer to this but i just wanted to take a moment to point out that this type of patch would be like a direct patch to delphi, which you are used to working with, and using the existing delphi to compile a new delphi... now, of course, you have not been able to do this with delphi but you can with FPC and Lazarus... in the delphi world, you have had to wait on the delphi folks to release a new delphi version... this is one of the advantages of FPC and/or FPC/Lazarus over the delphi and other similar commercial packages' worlds ;)

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