On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 00:04:27 +0100, "Dipl. Phys. Jörg Schläger"
<j...@jsdevelop.de> wrote:

>I used the following code in progs compiled with
>delphi 5, delphi7 and delphi 2007 with winxp sp1 to win 7
>with MSsql2000 and MSsql2005 without problem
>  Listbox1.Clear;
>  Query1.sql.Clear;
>  Query1.sql.add('exec Aufnahme.dbo.L_Stat_Allgemein');
>  Query1.open;
>  while not Query1.eof do
>    begin
>    Listbox1.Items.Add(Query1.findfield('GSJ').AsString + ' - ' + 
> Query1.findfield('Statistik').AsString );
>    Query1.Next;
>    end;
>  Query1.Close;
>exists  query.updatemode  in lazarus ? then it should be upWhereAll, because 
>the exec or execute has no key
>next switch on logging odbc 
>and a diff of two logs between delphi prog and lazarus prog with one query 
>with exec

Can you please specify which ODBC database components you used in
Delphi 7??
For example what is the type of Query1?
And if it needs a database connection component to work, what is that?

Please post your complete test code.

As I said I never used ODBC with Delphi, so I would need to know which
component to use to do that test. I have installed Delphi7 on this PC
too, but straight out of the box (CD)...

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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