Florian Klaempfl schrieb:

Feel free to do so, we are all waiting for at least five years for
Wasn't that what Hans-Peter (or somebody) recently tried?? But from the
discussions I read, the changes were "to radical" from a non-core
member, so as usual, the changes get declined....

Please stay with the truth: first of all, the proposed changes so far
had nothing to do with improving unit loading.

The bugs do not necessarily reside whery *you* expect them. This is one reason that blocks efficient bug fixes.

Further, none of the
changes were working. You'd kill me, if I merged those changes breaking
FPC completely :)

Please stay with the truth: all but the very first (OO) branch have been tested thoroughly, and I couldn't find any breaks.

Last but not least: the radical changes (also far from working changes
in the sense of no regressions) which get declined aimed on a multi
language front end for FPC.

This is only one *possible* feature, a side effect of an attempt to allow for parallel compilation.

While this in theory is imaginable, I expect
a lot of dedication before I merge such changes into FPC: it means not
only a hacked parser, but also a complete new runtime environment,
complete reorganisation of the directory structures and build processes,
a lot of new regression tests etc.

Bullshit :-(
[Sorry for the harsh wording, but it is so]

the dedication and interest is little.

I already outlined why I suspended working on that project, until the SF interface becomes usable.


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