
in SVN Revision 30351 Martin changed the gdbmimiscclasses.pp by adding these 
Lines :


Altough i have the unit libc on my system ( located in this folder 
/usr/share/fpcsrc/2.4.2/rtl/netwlibc/ )

the IDE does not recompile ( Telling me that it was not able to find the libc ).

SVN Revision 30350 compiles without problem.

Can anyone help me ? ( in normal Projects i a the search path, but where can 
this be done for Lazarus itself ? )

My system settings are :

Kubuntu 10.10 32-Bit

Free Pascal Compiler version 2.4.2-1~ppa1~m [2011/01/17] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2010 by Florian Klaempfl

Lazarus Aktuel SVN Revision



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