On 13/08/2011 19:28, Martin Schreiber wrote:
The default pascal.sdef file is "Delphi compatible". Please change in apps/ide/syntaxdefs/pascal.sdef " scope comment1 comment endtokens '}' " to " scope comment1 comment calltokens '{' comment1 endtokens '}' " for nested comments.
Thanks, that worked

The more context is needed, the more time and memory it will cost.

MSEide does not store context for syntax highlighting after the source has
been colored. The editor grid stores "richstringty":
  richstringty = record
   text: msestring;
   format: formatinfoarty;
   flags: richflagsty;
"format" stores the color and font info of the string.
Well in a way that stores the info too. I assume you store the formatinfoarty for the begin of each line?

In that case it is pretty similar to SynEdit

The parser for code navigation is independent from syntaxhighlighting.

Same in Lazarus

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