On 04/10/2011 03:53, Frank Church wrote:
Is the purpose of DebugLn over write line its ability to write automatically to a debug log text file?

Are there some build settings that will automatically disable DebugLn from executing at runtime, or does it always have to be switch on and off with ifdefs?

Does it operate with the debugger in some way?

The debugger has no handling of debugln.

If you use debugln, to see values that the debugger can't display, you just have to keep looking at the console. Though for most cases there a ways to get the debugger accessing the variables/structures you need.

If you debug focus sensitive apps, or apps that must not be stopped for other reasons, then you can use 0.9.31, which allows a none-breaking snapshot to write values to the event log, or to record snapshots of all your watches.

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