On 09/10/2011 22:57, Frank Church wrote:
> I just read this blog article
> http://www.lazarussupport.com/lazarus/weblog/project_settings_in_delphi_and_lazarus
> about how Lazarus can store IDE settings in .lps files to stop
> causing needless changes to the .lpi which messes up version
> control.
> I was just about to ask about how to configure it and after doing
> some Googling I saw this page -
> http://forum.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php?topic=9298.0, and guess
> start the thread?
> Anyway I think it should be given further prominence as it is really
> important for version control.
> -- Frank Church

+1, this was puzzling me too.


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