On Sat, 12 Nov 2011, Frank Church wrote:

On 12 November 2011 12:33, Michael Van Canneyt <mich...@freepascal.org> wrote:

      On Sat, 12 Nov 2011, Frank Church wrote:

            Is there an online tool for browsing library documentation and 
source code for FPC and Lazarus?

            I am looking for something along these lines - 

            Doesn't the FPC community have something similar?

What about




I already know about these and use them, but it is very easy to lose your point 
of origin when you are navigating among
the pages. Actually it is their shortcomings whch prompted me to ask this 

For classes, I agree. But the Java layout is somewhat awkward for global identifiers...

I am referring more to the page design and layout itself, the way they use 
frames so you don't lose you bearings as you
move back and forth.

I understand what you mean. The floating popup window isn't always a help...
Maybe we should think about generating some kind of frame-based layout as well.

PS. Can the above 2 sites be subdomained into rtl.freepascal.org, 
fcl.freepascal.org? It makes searching using Google
site search much easier. If they are plain html files I don't mind having the 
raw html so I can place them in my own
website where I can site search them.

They are plain HTML, so you can download the archive files from the website:


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