On 26.11.2011 14:14, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:
Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho schrieb:
I think this should be discussed on a per-API basis. Please give a
concrete example.

I gave it already: TCursor.

The generated help links the cursor parameters to the TCursor
documentation, for all procedures and methods. Now it's clear, to the
user and documentation writer, where the related constants are (to be)

The problem with this concrete example is that you can easily (at least on Windows) add custom cursors. I don't know whether you have ever done that in Delphi (I haven't), but here is an example I quickly found: http://delphiforfun.org/programs/Delphi_Techniques/CustomCursors.htm

Note: I don't know whether Lazarus supports this.


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