On 03/12/2011 17:46, Frank Church wrote:

I don't know how welcome or apt this comment may be as it appears to a contentious issue, but it has been on my mind for some time.

Every now and then I see a message about trunk not compiling or some the feature being broken.

I thought one of the reasons for proposing a change to Git or some other distributed VCS is that you do all your work in your local branch, merge with HEAD frequently and you only push your changes to the main repository if everything works properly.
How would that help?
I guess Mattias was using a newer FPC (2.5 or 2.7), so compilation worked for him, and he would have pushed.

I had that issue myself a few times (either FPC version or some local $DEFINE / bgt it may also be caused by platform differences or a installed package).

To solve this each devel would have to compile (and test) the entire IDE with a variety of settings/FPC ...

It is understood that features may get broken as it they are hard to test, but shouldn't compilation succeed? This suggests work is being 'saved' to the repository which shouldn't be the case.

I am not proposing a change to git or other if core developers are content with Subversion, I'd just want to know if it is a reflection of working practices which may or may not be influenced by the choice of VCS and methodologies surrounding its usage.

I don't think it is a big issue, thinks get usually fixed very quickly.

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