On 12/12/2011 09:23, Marcos Douglas wrote:
On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 11:15 AM, Luiz Americo Pereira Camara
<luiz...@oi.com.br>  wrote:
In order to fix some bugs i did significant changes in TDBLookup[List|Combo]Box 

I did a lot of testing but may broken something

Please report problems you have
I found a bug in TDBLookupComboBox
To reproduce:
1. Define properties AutoComplete and AutoDropDown to True;
2. Type a new value (the DropDown will open) that not exists in DataSet (list);
3. If you type ENTER the combo will clear, because no value on list
was found (OK);
4. Repeat #2. Now if you type [Down] to select a item (use the
keyboard and don't type ENTER), but after type a new value that not
exists in DataSet list, the combo is not cleaned.

AFAIK this is the same behavior as before my changes.

It's a drawback from the decision to allow use the dropdown style (Delphi TDBLookupControl allows only dropdownlist, so no reference here what's the best approach)

I think is not a good idea to clear the text the user entered. In the other side the control can have inconsistent values compared to dataset that is also not good.

Let the other DBLookup users do an opinion. If they think this is the correct behavior i can implement that (clearing the text that does not exist in the list).

For myself, i prefer to use dropdownlist, since the chance to user be confused is smaller.

What's your widgetset?
Pressing enter in either cases under win32 does not clear the content here. Just select the text


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