The following error occurred when compiling current trunk version (34361) on 
win64, issued as: make bigide OPT=”-dUseCHMHelp”

Compiling lazregions.pas
lazregions.pas(39,37) Error: Identifier not found "TFPCustomRegion"
lazregions.pas(39,37) Error: class type expected, but got "<erroneous type>"
lazregions.pas(52,14) Error: There is no method in an ancestor class to be overr
idden: "TLazRegion.GetBoundingRect:<record type>;"
lazregions.pas(53,14) Error: There is no method in an ancestor class to be overr
idden: "TLazRegion.IsPointInRegion(LongInt,LongInt):Boolean;"
lazregions.pas(69,14) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "TLazRegionWithC
lazregions.pas(74,1) Fatal: There were 4 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted
make[1]: *** [alllclunits.ppu] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `D:/lazarus/lcl'
make: *** [lcl] Error 2

Using FPC 2.7.1



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