please ignore this... the problem IS with the libmysql.dll file and that w2k doesn't have this freeaddrinfo procedure in it... the code used also goes deeper than lazarus (back to base FPC database stuffs) and probably should be posted in one of the FPC areas... at least the possible fix for it if that might be incorporated... i dunno... it is deeper than i have gone in a GUI environment before so for now, i'm dropping it in this area...

On 12/25/2011 15:25, waldo kitty wrote:
On 12/25/2011 14:40, waldo kitty wrote:

i have a project that i've been playing with to learn from... i use this project
as a double check that things have gone right when i update lazarus from svn...
i have two machines, w2k and vista, that i maintain the same code on for testing
and supporting at least back to w2k... now, however, this project fails on
startup complaining that the entry point to the freeaddrinfo procedure is not
found in the WS2_32.dll file...

this may be related to mysql since this is a mysql database project... it has
been 3 or 4 months since i tried it on the w2k machine... i'm pretty sure that
it was working there before i starting working with it on the vista box...

i did find something in a zabbix support area that speaks of adding this
capability to older OS' that do not have it so i may be wrong on my memory of it
working with mysql on the w2k box... that box has to talk to a remote mysql
server for its database access whereas the vista box is running a local instance
of mysql... mysql version(s)? not sure but the project's code is using the
mysql51 and mysql51conn units so i'd say mysql v5.1...


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