The Lazarus package FCL seems to hide the FPC/FCL, at least I cannot get any context sensitive help on FCL units or identifiers (using CHM) :-(

FPDoc Editor doesn't show anything as well, even if I added the RTL/FCL help directories to its search path.

Can somebody explain how the RTL and FCL docs are found at all, when RTL the RTL is not (and FCL a different) Lazarus package?

As already mentioned, we should rethink the packaging for Help. IMO the LCL docs should include LazUtils, and the RTL and FCL docs must be made available, somehow. My previous attempt to add RTL and FCL directories to the Lazarus/docs/xml was dropped, because it cannot be synced with reasonable efforts with the FPC docs. But now we have accessible FCL documentation any more, what certainly is intolerable.


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