On 2012-01-27 17:23, zeljko wrote:

On Friday 27 of January 2012 17:19:13 Torsten Bonde Christiansen wrote:

> Hi List.


> I'm looking for an easy way to switch between buildmodes, but so far I

> can only do it where they are also defined (Project->Options->Buildmodes).


> Does there exists a window, a shortcut or something like this to make

> switching easier?

There should be dropdown menu in right of Project options speedbutton (left of "Run" speed button ... that one with green arrow img) ... (but dropdown menu arrow is visible only in case when you have > 1 build mode for project).

Sorry my bad - i'm just not used to using most of the GUI part, i prefer keyboard shortcuts... but i found it.

Thank you.

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