The concept of deprecated is that is not needed anymore so tell that doesn't 
help much.

Em 08/02/2012, às 09:52, William Oliveira Ferreira escreveu:

> you told correclty what i was trying to say wrongly.... =)
> ________________________________
> William de Oliveira Ferreira
> Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação
> 2012/2/8 Sven Barth <>
> Am 08.02.2012 04:23, schrieb William Oliveira Ferreira:
> I agree that a comment in front of the deprecated would be good to the
> uninformed as me, but I also do not want to seem boring. I wish
> developers would focus on tools for debugging, but follow the road map
> and I see good things to come.
> A comment in front of the deprecated won't be good, but a string behind the 
> deprecated would be nice ;) (for the reason see below)
> === example begin ===
> program deprecatedtest;
> type
>  TTest = class
>    fFoo: String;
>    property Foo: String read fFoo; deprecated 'I''m not needed anymore';
>  end;
> var
>  t: TTest;
> begin
>  t := TTest.Create;
>  Writeln(t.Foo);
> end.
> === example end ===
> === output begin ===
> PS P:\tests\oneshots> fpc .\deprecatedtest.pas
> Free Pascal Compiler version 2.6.0 [2011/12/25] for i386
> Copyright (c) 1993-2011 by Florian Klaempfl and others
> Target OS: Win32 for i386
> Compiling .\deprecatedtest.pas
> deprecatedtest.pas(15,13) Warning: Symbol "Foo" is deprecated: "I'm not 
> needed anymore"
> Linking deprecatedtest.exe
> 16 lines compiled, 0.1 sec , 28608 bytes code, 1964 bytes data
> 1 warning(s) issued
> === output end ===
> Regards,
> Sven
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