On 11/02/2012 17:23, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:
Martin schrieb:

I have no easy reachable list off topics that need attention[1]. So I can not check if I know the answer.

As described in StyleGuide.txt,
I did entirely miss that one, sorry

the marks haven been choosen for simple finding, without the need for additional tools. Simple do a search in directories (lazarus/docs/xml...) for "?]" in *.xml, and navigate easily from the search results window to all occurences. You even can restrict your search to specific units. I don't see what further comfort you can expect?

Well fpdoc has <notes> tags now. So [...?] notes are not needed.

Still, then xml comments, I could have found the same way. So there was no need to put the notes into final doc output. That is:
 not for the purpose of enabling others to find such places

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