On 26/02/12 13:29, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
Martin wrote:
On 26/02/2012 12:38, ik wrote:

I'm trying to debug a program that I'm writing with Lazarus, and it
require root privileges, but I do not want Lazarus to run as root,
only the program itself for debug.

How can I do that ?

I have not tried it, but maybe if you replace "/usr/bin/gdb" (in the
IDE opions dialog) with "sudo /usr/bin/gdb" ?

Of course that affects all projects.

But afaik you can't use a starter app , because then gdb will attempt
to debug the starter app....

I've had this sort of requirement in the past, specifically when using
libusb (i.e. the program needed sufficient privilege to grab the device).

You need udev rules that set the user/group permissions for the devices that you use. You don't need to run as root.


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