On 2/27/2012 4:21 PM, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> My point was more about the fact that Scooter Software has applied 
> there own fixes to CLX, and have also upgraded their Kylix 3 to use 
> Qt3 (instead of Qt 2.3 which came with Kylix).

Actually, the upgrade to Qt 3 was Andreas Hausladen's doing, and he did
release it, but it isn't available online anymore.  It was an impressive
piece of work, and I think it laid the groundwork for Lazarus' Qt
support, since I remember seeing Zeljan's name associated with it too.

We do have a shocking number of fixes on top of it though.

> If they shared all there Kylix enhancements, I have no idea.

No, we haven't.  Borland screwed up the Kylix community project, and
Andreas stopped maintaining the unofficial patches at the same time, so
there isn't anywhere for us to share them.

> So at least the framework around Kylix has grown, after is was
> "considered" to be dead.

It was "considered" dead, and then the Kylix community project and
Borland's poor handling of Simon Kissel's cross-compiler killed it

> Also, Kylix 3 is still perfectly fine for web development work.

I'm not aware of any Linux distro post-2006 that runs the IDE, and even
then you needed a hack to debug threads.

We would have given it up years ago, but I thought Delphi's
cross-platform support would use Qt right up until they purchased
VGScene.  I'm sure there are a few other holdouts, but there's certainly
no community anymore.  Before they removed it, the .kylix newsgroup's
last post was in 2008 or so.

Craig Peterson
Scooter Software

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