Am 10.04.2012 01:17, schrieb Hans-Peter Diettrich:
Now every user has the choice to stay with a specific FPC/Lazarus
version, that does not yet support the new string types, or to drop
UTF-8 strings in favor of the new UTF-16 strings. Since most code has to
deal with the Unicode BMP (BasicMappingPage) only, the difference
between the length of an string in (UTF-8)chars and characters has gone
away with UTF-16. Do you really see a need for finding the position of a
non-BMP character in an string, and changing exactly that character in
the string? Then you are on the safe side by using StringReplace, which
already worked with UTF-8 and will continue to work with UTF-16 and
whatever other encoding. The use of Char variables has been dangerous
already with UTF-8, where exotic ("astral") characters can consist of up
to 6 bytes. In so far I don't understand why Delphi now uses WideChar
for Char, instead of UnicodeChar, where it is guaranteed that every
codepoint (except ligatures and similar text-processing stuff) can be
stored in a UnicodeChar variable.

You do know that WideChar and UnicodeChar are the same? Namely two byte characters.


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