Am 01.06.2012 12:05, schrieb Marco Ciampa:
1) is this a developers only ml? Am I in the wrong list to ask general usage
    questions? I case vould you (please) point me to the right ml? TIA

Yes, this is the correct list.

  - FreePascal is a Dos app. , really ugly as was TP 20 years ago with
    similar concern regarding the multiuser use with Win...

You need to differentiate here:
1. Free Pascal is a compiler and thus the tool you use for compiling your Pascal code 2. The IDE is called fp (or also "text mode IDE") and this is not a DOS application (ok... a DOS version also exists, but only if you download it ;) ). It's a normal Windows command line application and uses the Windows Console API. fp also works on other platforms like Linux and OS/2.

Ok now the real questions:

1) it "uses windows, graph;" where can I find reference info, examples
    and other doc about these libs?

If you use unit "graph" you will at the end have a application that is also a "DOS application" (though it's not DOS per se) that you critized the text mode IDE above for. If you really want to use Lazarus to its fullest (thus writing GUI applications), I suggest you to read a tutorial like those available here:

2) if I vould like to port this program under Linux I imagine that the
    "windows" lib could be unusable. The shortest way to do it is ... ?
    Hints on how to do it are where?

Basically one can use unit Windows, but then you must use "ifdef" and other units and functions/procedures for other platforms. In Lazarus and it's component library LCL this is mostly abstracted and if you don't need specific Windows API functions most needs can be satisifed by looking into the units LCLProc, LCLType and LCLIntf though quite often you won't need all.


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