Michael Schnell schrieb:
On 06/22/2012 01:17 PM, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
Yes, but in practice the only place that I know that uses everything in decomposed unicode is the Mac OS X filesystem. So for dealing with Mac OS X filenames we need special care and for the rest just suppose composed mode (but remembering that some chars have no composed mode!).

Anyway it might be helpful to note this in the wiki page at http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/LCL_Unicode_Support#Searching_a_substring.

The text "For searching in a substring they do work perfectly" might cause misunderstanding on that behalf. (Of course it technically does work fine, but the ambiguity of Unicode itself introduces potential problems).

IMO the meaning is clear: searching for an sub*string* means an *exact* match. Who wants case insensitive or otherwise inexact matches, has to use specialized *text* functions.

Ambiguous character representations are a general problem with characters, where e.g. line endings or whitespace can be represented in different ways. The accent/umlaut composition is not a Unicode problem, it occurs in all codepages.


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