in short, no.

in a bit longer :

if you set within the application : Language.CurrentLanguage := 'what ever language you want';

The component tries to load that language file, if it exits your application is switched to the language, if not all translatable strings (captions, hints, .. and Ressourcestrings) will be extracted and stored to 'what ever language you want' file. With the Demo program you can edit this files ( or with any other text editor ) and translate them. On the next language changing the values will be loaded. In the demo this will be shown ( it uses nativ Lazarus methods, so it should be portable, it is successfully testet on Win32 and Linux32 ).


On 07/13/2012 04:09 PM, Joost van der Sluis wrote:
On Fri, 2012-07-13 at 16:00 +0200, Corpsman wrote:
Try this one :
Does it uses the .po and .mo files generated by Lazarus?


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