I use Bass.dll and on Linux bass.so, works great on both win32 and Linux, you have to ship the corresponding .dll or .so file streaming from the internet works fine.


On 07/29/2012 06:32 PM, Krzysztof wrote:

I'm reading about audio components (OpenAL, ACS). Which package do you prefer?

What I need:
1. Play most popular formats (mp3, ogg, wav)
2. Must be native. I mean, everything should be compiled in one
executable. There should be no dependencies like directx installed or
special codecs installed in system.
3. In future, I would like to extend the functionality by adding
internet streaming. I don't expect "build-in" solution (but it would
be great) but flexibility for adding this functionality (like playing
from TMemoryStream)

Maybe it is better to use some console player like ffmpeg + TProcess?


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