On 30-7-2012 17:42, Martin wrote:
> On 30/07/2012 16:30, Reinier Olislagers wrote:
>> On 30-7-2012 17:11, Martin wrote:
>>>>> We could probably reuse some code that was used during the last
>>>>> big settings upgrade (0.9.31? can't remember)
>>> That it was the setup dialog does (for fpc, fpc sources, and lazarus
>>> dir) Run lazarus.exe --setup
>> Are you sure? I seem to remember it was a different dialog that ran once
>> after the Inno setup finished: it mentioned old version detected, and
>> would I like to migrate to the new version... but who knows it could
>> have been kicked off by the Lazarus setup dialog checks.
> If the configuration has no conflicting/missing values, it will simply
> show the upgrade info.
> But if some values are missing then the setup dialog comes...
> Afaik it is all connected. But then, I am not sure.
>>> It should: - Check the current config, use it, if it appears ok
>>> (potentially run it, to get the version)
>> Yes, it should check if the gdb.exe in the debugger file exists if the
>> setting points to the old location (<lazdir>\mingw\bin\gdb.exe).
>> If it does, it doesn't need to do anything.
>> If it doesn't exist, there's been an upgrade (or the user removed
>> gdb.exe himself)
>>> - If there is no environmentoptions.xml in the primary conf, then it
>>> uses secondary conf (the environmentoptions.xml  in the exe dir)
>> This check is already in place, isn't it?
> Afaik yes. I only looked briefly at it. (some while ago)
>>> - Look in a list of default locations
>> If we're on Windows, the config pointed to the old location and gdb.exe
>> does not exist there anymore, then we can just change it to the new
>> location if gdb.exe exists there.
> Yes, if that is easy to support...
> I do not maintain the auto setup code. Hard to say what can or should or
> must be there. (except for the obvious: a copy of what is currently
> there for ather parts of the setup. eg. fpc dir)
>>> But the setup can give them a change to notice the new structure.
>>> Maybe the new structure can also be added to the list of know gdb in
>>> the drop down.
>> You mean the history list? I don't really understand what you mean here.
> The gdb location in the opt dialog is a drop down with previous values
> in it.
> Btw, if you install from svn, it currently sets something there too. And
> that is taken from the debugger units.... But that may need to be
> adapted too
> -----
> Sorry
> I cant be to much help on that setup issue at the moment.
> If I could, I could probably fix it very quickly myself...

No problem, Martin, as long as what I deliver is more or less what you
expect ;)
Thanks for the help!

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