On Sat, Aug 04, 2012 at 12:29:02PM +0100, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:
> > 
> > Why is this relevant to a project which is predominantly European? If 
> > Sourceforge can't distribute it because of the laws under which they 
> > operate then we should look for an alternative.
> The restriction is an *international* agreement, not limited to 
> SourceForge or the USA.

What restriction? The categorization of SF.NET "contains crypto" is US only,
we had to send a mail to the relevant US ministry even.

Nothing International about it. Russia blocked nearly all sanctions and
continues to deliver military equipment.

> We should accept the weird political reasoning, and distribute encryption
> units only as add-ons.

No. Either drop sf.net as hosting or add a minor mirror on free soil, but
not complicate everyday work because of it.

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