Why should he reveal his source to you if he doesn't want to? He owes you
When you started benefiting from his code, were you misled that the source
was available?
Because Uwe charges you nothing, is he less entitled to protect his
intellectual property than say MS for the source of MS Word?

On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 11:35 PM, Graeme Geldenhuys

> I just want to start off by saying I'm glad I use Linux, and I'm glad I
> got introduced to Open Source software years ago.
> Anyway, as the subject says, I forgot how close minded some people can be.
> I also know that Linux/*BSD users are more "open source" with there work
> (if you can phrase it like that) than Windows or Mac users. Windows and Mac
> users often still believe in the "shareware" approach. eg:  We will
> sometimes give things away free of charge, but I will not open source it.
> So if I get hit by a bus tomorrow, tough sh*t to all of you, my work will
> be lost forever. What weird mentality.
> Here is a case in point. Uwe Schuster developed an Delphi IDE add-on,
> which he doesn't change for - gives away freely in a binary only package.
> Others would like to help contribute towards this efforts, and help fix
> some existing issues with his add-on, but was flat out told that it would
> NOT be open sourced - G*d only knows why! Such mentality just baffles the
> mind.
> [Sorry Uwe, I wasn't picking on you or judging your work, I just used you
> as one of many similar examples]
> http://www.bitcommander.de/**blog/index.php/2012/01/01/oi-**rev/<http://www.bitcommander.de/blog/index.php/2012/01/01/oi-rev/>
> Anyway, I'm glad to be in the open source camp. :-)
>    Graeme.
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