03.10.12, 22:19, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
b) Or does it mean "having a shared code base where developers still use
Delphi under Windows, and Lazarus under Mac/Linux/etc".

For me it is (b)

If (b), then how does Lazarus handle VCL vs LCL forms?  *.dfm vs *.lfm
in a shared code base. Or does it mean for example myform.pas unit would
have a myform.dfm and myform.lfm. This would suck big time, because you
would constant have to keep all form changes in sync between Delphi and
Lazarus - no easy task, and very error prone.

Yes, it is a problem but there is no other way. You need to support older delphi versions the same way.

Think of component developers. You always need to care that your forms does not contain something which does not work on all supported delphi versions. Lazarus support is similar.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin

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