On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 9:16 PM, Maxim Ganetsky <gan...@narod.ru> wrote:
> 21.10.2012 10:07, Alexander Klenin пишет:
>> Please! Object inspector is now totally broken, with multiple crashes,
>> fields disappearing, treeview displaying multiple "ghost" items...
>> Currently as a workagound I edit lfm files by hand instead of using
>> form designer,
>> but is slows my work down substantially.
> Please create a bug report for every issue you encountered.

Sigh. Ok, will try -- the problem is that Mantis takes few minutes
upon every page load,
which makes submitting bug reports quite frustrating.
I am surprised that quite visual minor problems with the boolean checkboxes
get so much attention, while this massive breakage is silently ignored.

Alexander S. Klenin

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