2012/11/19 Eric Kom <eric...@metropolitancollege.co.za>:

> Thanks for all Martin, it's works
> StatusBar.SimpleText := 'My name is Tux';
> StatusBar.Update;
> sleep(2000);
> StatusBar.SimpleText := 'am ready';
> I will try the hard code also

You should generally try your best to avoid using Sleep() in the above
way in most cases. If you have a very simple sequence of waiting times
(in your example you have only one) you can easily get away with
simply placing a TTimer onto your form and using that to generate a
*second* event when the 2 seconds have passed. Using your example with
the status bar text in the first event you would set the statusbar
text to 'My name is Tux', then start the timer and let your method
return. In the timer event set the status bar text to 'am ready' and
then also immediately return. During the 2 seconds between these two
events the GUI will stay fully functional because nothing is blocking
the main thread and other events are able to fire as needed.

The more complicated solution would be to start a thread in the first
event and let the thread do the sleep (or the long running task) but
note that it is absolutely *not* allowed to directly call any LCL
methods from within this worker thread (this makes it slightly more
complicated) you would need to use Synchronize() or
Application.QueueAsyncCall() to notify the main thread.

The general idea is to make sure all your event methods will return as
fast as possible because all the GUI is running from within only one
thread (the main thread) and this is basically the only thread that
should *never* sleep or block or do long computations. As long as one
of your event methods is wasting time in Sleep() (or doing other long
running things) the entire GUI will be frozen during this time, this
will give a very bad user experience, no other events will be able to
fire during this time, no resize, no screen update (this is what you
observed), not even closing the form will be possible.

There are some concepts you should study, they are not restricted to
Lazarus, most GUI frameworks use the event driven concept, so even if
you understand how it works (or how you would do it) for example in
C++/Qt or Java/Swing or in GTK or in wxWidgets or basically almost any
other framework then you can apply the same knowledge to FPC/Lazarus.
Only the Methods will have different names but the problems and their
solutions are the same. Try to find examples, discussions, etc. about
the following topics:

 "event driven programming"
 "worker threads"
 "TThread" and "TThread.Synchronize"

And if you are doing networking (I am inferring this from the name of
your method) I strongly recommend using the LNet components, LNet has
an extremely neat architecture and a fully asynchronous event driven
model (no sleeping, no blocking ever) that fits nicely into the rest
of LCL. Unfortunately it is not very extensively documented but on the
other hand it is very small (only ~1000 lines without the optional
protocol units) and its actually quite easy to use.

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