On Sunday 27 of January 2013 23:43:09 Bart wrote:
> On 1/27/13, zeljko <zel...@holobit.net> wrote:
> > But why look into Delphi grids when our TStringGrid is not compatibile
> > with
> > 
> > Delphi one :) (missing TInplaceEditor, missing a lot of routines).
> > My proposal (no need to hurry with this :) )  write TStringGrid from
> > stratch
> > 
> > (using current implementation mostly) to be 100% compatibile with Delphi
> > (and
> > it can be since it's TCustomControl ... we'll in Delphi it's TWinControl
> > + it's own grid scrollbars, but under LCL we can do the same thing if
> > needed)
> > 
> > then create TLazStringGrid with current lazarus features and
> > complications. OR add TInplaceEditor to current implementation and
> > missing routines (I'll be
> > glad to do that, but no spare time).
> I don't have a recent delphi, but from what I gather at the dutch
> delphi forum, it seems that lazarus' stringgrid has more (usefull)
> features than delphi's one.
> (It certainly is at least 1000 times better than the one in D3)

It is, I've just said that it is not delphi compatibile in many ways - nothing 

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