Mattias Gaertner wrote:
On Tue, 05 Feb 2013 09:12:35 +0000
Mark Morgan Lloyd <> wrote:

Mattias Gaertner wrote:

I know, but as I've said above there's a list of units stored in the .lpi as well. How does one clear this?
This list gives the IDE the clues what files are important and what not.
So, you should not clear it, you should clean it up and add all
missing project units. For example via the Project Inspector.
I'm sorry, I took my eye off the ball since I was still looking at the stored paths.

One final question if I may: if the .lps has been deleted, what controls the IDE's choice of which unit to open when it starts? It looks as though it currently opens the most-recently-added unit, is it possible to change this to be the first-added unit on the basis that this is most likely to be in the project directory, or to open the .lpr as probably the safest choice?

Please test with 40191.

Nice, and I think it fixes the naming issue from our earlier discussion (but testing continues).

FYI, looking at a freshly-created (after correcting the intentional error I'd left in one unit) .lps I notice

        <Filename Value="HeavyWethers.lpr"/>
        <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
        <UnitName Value="HeavyWethers"/>
        <UsageCount Value="20"/>
        <Filename Value="heavywetherscode.pas"/>
        <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
        <ComponentName Value="HeavyWethersForm"/>
        <HasResources Value="True"/>
        <ResourceBaseClass Value="Form"/>
        <UnitName Value="HeavyWethersCode"/>
        <EditorIndex Value="0"/>
        <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
        <TopLine Value="1"/>
        <CursorPos X="1" Y="1"/>
        <UsageCount Value="20"/>
        <Loaded Value="True"/>
        <LoadedDesigner Value="True"/>
        <Filename Value="../../inifiles/trunk/dbconfigcode2.pas"/>
        <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
        <ComponentName Value="DbConfigFrame"/>
        <HasResources Value="True"/>
        <ResourceBaseClass Value="Frame"/>
        <UnitName Value="DbConfigCode2"/>
        <UsageCount Value="20"/>
        <Filename Value="../inifiles/trunk/dbconfigcode2.pas"/>
        <ComponentName Value="DbConfigFrame"/>
        <HasResources Value="True"/>
        <ResourceBaseClass Value="Frame"/>
        <UnitName Value="DbConfigCode2"/>
        <IsVisibleTab Value="True"/>
        <EditorIndex Value="1"/>
        <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
        <TopLine Value="4"/>
        <CursorPos X="4" Y="22"/>
        <UsageCount Value="10"/>
        <Loaded Value="True"/>
        <LoadedDesigner Value="True"/>

where if I (finally) understand things correctly Unit0...Unit12 are describing the files in the project and Unit13 is describing the file that is open on the screen. The only reason I mention this is that the two units that are open are HeavyWethersCode (one entry in the list above) and DbConfigCode2 (two entries in the list, with different paths)... please ignore me if this is intentional :-)

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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