On Tue, 12 Feb 2013 13:58:15 -0500
Donald Ziesig <don...@ziesig.org> wrote:

> On 02/12/2013 03:36 AM, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> I extended the TCodetoolsClassCompletionOptionsFrame and added the 
> template expander data in TCodeToolsOptions.  I can see the data being 
> saved and restored appropriately in codetoolsoptions.xml.
> I have spent the whole morning trying to find the route I must use to 
> get the data in TCodeToolsOptions (which now contains the path to the 
> template file) into my TemplateExpander unit (which is in the uses 
> clause of codecompletiontool.pas).
> The following code from my TemplateExpander unit fails at compilation:
> uses
>    CodeToolOptions;
> because the compiler can't find the file.

That is a unit of the IDE itself. It can not be accessed by
installed packages.
I think these new options can be added to the IDE. They don't need an
extra package.


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