Am 07.03.2013 10:45, schrieb Chavoux Luyt:
1. How good is Lazarus/fpc for embedded programming (compared to C)? It will probably be on a (custom-made) device with ARM/Atmel-based chipset (with or without an OS - will this make a difference?).
I can't tell you how good or bad it is, but there are quite some boards supported already by FPC. You can take a look here for the current list:
2. I remember that the original Turbo Pascal (and Delphi) could use in-line (i386) assembler. Is this still possible with Lazarus/free-pascal and for other chipsets like Atmel/ARM?
FPC supports inline assembly for each supported target except the JVM ones. Of course you need to write in the correct assembly language for each CPU (and maybe differentiate with {$ifdef CPUXYZ} if you want to support multiple processors).

As a sidenote: For pure Pascal development (and I consider embedded development part of this) I suggest you to use the fpc-pascal list in the future.


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