On 13 March 2013 17:20, Frank Church <vfcli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 13 March 2013 16:52, Vincent Snijders <vincent.snijd...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2013/3/13 Frank Church <vfcli...@gmail.com>:
>>> Upgrading to Lazarus 1.0.7 with FPC 2.6.2 raised this error in a file
>>> I was compiling? What does it mean?
>>> procedure TRxDBGrid.CheckNewCachedSizes(var AGCache: TGridDataCache);
>>> begin
>>>   if (rdgFooterRows in OptionsRx) and (FooterRowCount > 0) then
>>>     Dec(GCache.ClientHeight, DefaultRowHeight * FooterRowCount + 2);
>>> end;
>>> M:\Lazarus\ThirdPartyLibs\rx20\rxdbgrid.pas(2492,9) Error: Can't take
>>> the address of constant expressions
>>> Is the fixes branch supposed to introduce new functionality that can
>>> break code that compiled in previous releases?
>> What fixes branch are you talking about? FPC 2.6 fixes or Lazarus 1.0 fixes?
>> Anyway, if you exploited a bug, then a fix for that bug might break your 
>> code.
> FPC 2.6 fixes, that code has been compiling since 2.2.4. Perhaps it is
> a bug which has been waiting to be caught.
>> Vincent

Is the error message the result of a bug in the implementation of FPC
2.6.0 or earlier versions (according to the specifications)  which got
fixed, or the result of new specifications which were backported to
the 2.6 series?

Frank Church


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