Le 03/04/2013 11:10, Mattias Gaertner a écrit :
On Wed, 03 Apr 2013 10:36:48 +0200
Antonio Fortuny <a.fort...@sitasoftware.lu> wrote:

Bad news.

I have unistalled and re-installed Lazarus again:
~/.lazarus removed
Change some options of the editor to my usual requirements
Recompile all needes packages.
Load the project on which I'm currently working.
Compile, rebuild: OK
So far so good.

Add a TButton on main (and only) form
double-click on it: same error window and error message asking for
TComponent in LCLClasses.pp tagged as read only (sounds reasonable as
all files are root owned and "r-x" for group and others.
As they should be when installing an rpm.

I've done a
# chown -R sita:users /usr/share/fpcsrc/
You should undo this.
I'm curious. Why do thought that a "can not find unit" error can be
fixed by giving write access? You are not the first doing so. Is there
some misleading error message?

but nothing changed
You seem to have a very standard setup, except for your extra packages.
What extra packages do you install?
Indy 10
IBO (Firebird access and controls)
daemon: for that one I've had to chown to myuser to be able to compile it !!
After changing the owner, daeon did compile and install


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