On 2013-04-11 16:35, Sven Barth wrote:
> With FPC 2.7.1 you can use native and JVM based development.

I guess I have lots to learn. :)  I thought all Android apps are Java
(JVM) based? What is the difference between Native and JVM Android apps?
Does Android have a X11 server?

> The
> corresponding links where in this thread already

I'll start reading that tonight. Thanks.

> and if you want an example
> JVM application I can send you a link to the source (maybe I'll add a
> github repo for it...)

I always learn well with an example. So if you can email me a link, that
would be much appreciated.

> I've not yet published an app, but AFAIK you don't need to pay anything
> (maybe only if you have a paid app).

I'm planning on paid apps from the word go (yeah, jump into the deep end
and see if I can swim!). I'll do some more internet searching on this
tonight. If I find an answer, I'll add a section to the FPC+Android wiki
page. Others might find that info useful too.

> After Canonical has announced yet another display server just when Wayland
> was starting to off they are more of less dead for me...

Oh, changed there minds again. I have dropped Ubuntu since they moved to
Unity, so don't follow them closely these days.

>From your reply to Michael, I assume LCL's Customdrawn-Android backend
will generate a "native" Android app? Still not really sure the
difference between Native and JVM apps. As I said, I thought all apps on
Android was Java-based, thus runs in a JVM.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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