On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 6:33 PM, Andrew Brunner <atbrun...@aurawin.com>wrote:

> Well, the only thing I would suggest is to compare.  Aurawin offers stream
> compression across all your devices.  And since it's a virtualized desktop,
> it works on ANY HTML5 enabled device :-) Further, Aurawin offers video
> streaming and conversion features that take your camera videos and converts
> them to streamable Mpeg formats.

I'm sorry if i'll sound too negative, but... Aurawin is the worst kind of
the web-based bloatedness that started to spread the last few years.


It is like developers wake up every morning and come up with new things to
shove in the browser. The web wasn't made for this!

> The Aurawin project is open source, so that means anyone can run their own
> servers.  Think of it as an open source virtual computer with apps.  File
> sharing is just one included offering.

Maybe, but right now i'm on a network that serves downloads for multiple
users over the world and i *still* had to wait several seconds in order to
show a simple login form. My 4.77MHz XT could do it faster than this.

> I feel that Aurawin social networking goes far beyond what our competition
> will **safely** offer.  But there is still much more work to be done there.

I don't care for your bloatedness. Dropbox installs a small deamon that
syncs files across computers with little network usage. That is all it does
and doesn't need to do anything more!

Stop bulletpoint driven development.

I agree.  But both Microsoft and their flagship Windows product is rapidly
> becoming irrelevant.

Yeah, only everyone minus a tiny ~2% minority in the world uses Windows.
And my quote was only an example to show that Features Do Not Matter. It is
where the people go that matters.

Now please stop the spam. Thanks.
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