On 21-4-2013 13:05, Marco van de Voort wrote:
> Anyway, can we _please_ all agree that we need both online and offline docs.
> I think the proponents of online docs better work on improving the
> online experience, rather than declare it perfect ex ante.    

Only if we also agree that the Lazarus default offline docs format is
chm (not inf), and we also work on the improvement of offline docs; e.g.
23410   No context-sensitive help for control on form
22880   LCL.CHM: Application.Terminate shows empty page
22765   Lhelp: clicking on hyperlink doesn't do anything despite hand
cursor icon
22763   Lhelp: Search can't find GetPart while it is in Index
22754   Context-senstive help for 'result' gives 'No help found for this

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