On 26/05/2013 06:48, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
Yes, the code needs to be rewritten. It was written before a system
was created to allow widgetsets to override debugln. It also needs a
variable in the widgetset class to allow the user to choose if he
wants the log or not.

but the code in lclproc.pas is no longer used.

LazLogger is unesd instead. LCLProc just forwards to LazLogger

And it has a widgetset-hook
And it can be disabled in app or at compile time

TWinControl.DoDockClientMsg DockPanel:TPanel Control=MobileWelcomeForm:TMobileWelcomeForm DestRect=l=579,t=102,r=819,b=550 TWinControl.DoDockClientMsg DockPanel:TPanel Control=OpenMapForm:TOpenMapForm DestRect=l=823,t=420,r=1063,b=720 TWinControl.DoUnDockClientMsg DockPanel:TPanel Client=MobileWelcomeForm:TMobileWelcomeForm Client.Parent=DockPanel:TPanel TWinControl.DoRemoveDockClient DockPanel:TPanel MobileWelcomeForm:TMobileWelcomeForm TWinControl.DoUnDockClientMsg DockPanel:TPanel Client=OpenMapForm:TOpenMapForm Client.Parent=DockPanel:TPanel
TWinControl.DoRemoveDockClient DockPanel:TPanel OpenMapForm:TOpenMapForm

I checked some of them, in trunk they are IFDEFed. So they should not occur
     {$IFDEF VerboseDocking}

If they are not ifdefed in fixes, then someone needs to do an svn blame, find the revision, and if nothing else changed in that revision then it can be merged. If otherstuff changed, a patch for fixes branch can be accepted.

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