On Wed, 12 Jun 2013, zel...@holobit.net wrote:

Hi folks,
I've been working on gtk3lcl for about 2 months, sshoot is taken on
Fedora 16 + KDE + gtk3-3.6.4.
Basically all handles are implemented (except TStatusBar, TTrayIcon, TSplitter and TPopupMenu(main menu works))
,but of course most of them are partially implemented.
Paint engine is cairo which is in real pre-alpha implementation stage,but you can see TLabel, TPaintBox and eg. glyph on TBitBtn on screenshoot. Mouse/Wheel events works on all handles, a lot of HWND based routines in gtk3winapi are implemented, capturing works, focus works. gtk3lcl code is implemented with gtk3bindings http://wiki.freepascal.org/Gtk%2B3 provided by Andrew Haines, also it looks much simpler than gtk2lcl since I've used another approach to implement widgetset. eg. with gtk2 TWinControl.Handle = PGtkWidget, with gtk3 TWinControl.Handle = TGtk3Widget - yes TObject with TGtk3Widget().Widget as connection to Gtk3 and complete inheritance eg.: TGtk3Memo, TGtk3ListBox, TGtk3ComboBox, TGtk3CustomControl, TGtk3Window.
I hope that I'll commit gtk3lcl alpha into trunk till the end of month.

Great work !!

Congratulations on what must have been the start of a huge job !


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