On 08/02/2013 11:57 AM, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
So you suggest deriving and instantiating a propriety application from the TCustomApplication class ?
I don't suggest anything. I just react on incorrect information.
I see. Thanks for the clarification .

Will that automatically provide the correct string as MyApplication.ExeName ?

Great. I thought TCustomApplication would be rather abstract.

I thing just using the Lazarus NoGUI Widget Type is more appropriate.

No, for 2 reasons:

1) It creates unwanted dependencies. 2) It creates the illusion of functionality which isn't actually there.

Sooner or later it will bite you in the leg.


In fact I decently dislike NoGUI as it does not provide an event queue for things like TTimer and thus is not comparable with "really functional" WidgetTypes.

But unfortunately there is no "functional" Widget Type for command line applications.

Of course as I understand that the OP want to do a project dedicated to Windows, he just could do a normal Application and hide the Main Window.


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