Am 2013-08-21 11:16, schrieb Jürgen Hestermann:
Why does a normal move down shift the whole tree horizontally to the right 
margin each second move (slider is at max right position) and back to the left 

I now found that "toDisableAutoscrollOnFocus" (under "AutoOptions") is changing 
between these both behaviours:

If I set it to TRUE I can navigate as usual within the tree (without horizontal 
shifting) *but* when reaching the bottom border of the window the cursor 
disappears below it without shifting up the tree display. So I don't see my 
cursor anymore (which is totally useless).
If I set it to FALSE the tree display is shifted up when reaching the bottom of 
the display *but* now it jumps to the right border every second down move (so 
that I don't see the tree anymore, only when shifting it back with Ctrl+Enter).

I don't know how to achive both: Shifting up the tree when reaching the bottom 
end *and* staying at the left border all the time.

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