Am 13.09.2013 14:23, schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:
On 2013-09-13 12:03, Juha Manninen wrote:
Unfortunately it is quite a complex task. The biggest challenge is to
refactor the code so that Project1 is not referred to directly.
A project holds lots of data including session info.

Thinking about it a bit more... It might not be as complex - if you only
want to be able to switch between grouped projects (exclude Mattias's
debugging requirement for now).

For example... Currently only one "active" project is allowed [the
reference to Project1]. Well, with grouped projects that would still be
true. The Project Group window will simply allow you to switch the
active project much easier - a simple double-click.

The other Project Group functionality like compiling all grouped
projects would simply mean that the IDE switches the active project by
iterating the group list, and then at the end set the active project
back to what it was before the "compile all projects" task was run.
Loading of each project would do exactly what "Project -> Open
Project.." does now.

With this in mind, Project Group functionality could probably be
implemented as a Lazarus Add-on - without affecting the lazarus project
release cycle.
Each project has its own session information => the source editor tabs would switch each time the project switches during a group compilation.

In that case group project needs to be a project as well (with session information which "overrides" the single project's session information) and during group compilation the changing of source editor tabs needs to be blocked (don't know whether that is currently possible).


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