Same for TImageList.
A TImageList is dropped onto a TDataModule, included in the interface uses, but a TToolBar does not see the TImagesList in the TDataModule.
This breaks completely the porting from Delphi.
I'm really very disapponted.

I've made another test as explained in the Wiki page
- build a new TFrame
- add the unit to the project units list (otherwise it is not droppable)
- drop it onto a TTabSheet of a TPageCpntrol in the main form
- drop a TSqlQuery onto the TFrame: this time, the objects in the TDataModule created before, are displayed in properties of the TFrame components (database for TSqlQuery, i.e.).
It's a long way to ...
This way does not allow to create independent TFrames and fill them with all pertinent components and code and that's exactly what I need. All the TFrames are independent and dynamically created as the user runs thru the application.


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