On 26/09/2013 15:39, Martin wrote:
On 26/09/2013 15:32, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
I know that this should be an FAQ, but Google isn't being much help.

I've got a TPageControl with a single design-time page, on which there's a Synedit which is used (a) as a splash when there's no other tabs and (b) as a template for design-time properties.

I can add an extra tab and put a Synedit in it under program control, and load it with text. What I can't do is hide the original (index zero) tab: if I do, the Synedit vanishes:

PageControl in 1.0 has many bugs.

Please try 1.0.13 not released, you can get from svn fixes branch using svn.
Or 1.3 (also not released)
Or 1.1.99 from sourceforge

1.0.13 should be stable.

The other 2 are work in progress

Also those fixes are Gtk2, Win and QT. No idea about the other widgetsets.

I do not know if all widgetsets suppord displaying a page, when the tab is hidden. (You can hide all tabs, via ShowTabs)

This may indeed hide the page :
fTntPageControl.Pages[0].TabVisible := false; // Trouble

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