2014/1/24 Antonio Fortuny <a.fort...@sitasoftware.lu>

> Le 21/01/2014 20:52, Johannes W. Dietrich a écrit :
> You could begin with
> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Components_and_Code_examples#Packages.2FPrograms_for_FPC.2FLazarus_.28not_hosted_here.29
>  Yeah, right. But, hem, how to create a new page into the wiki ? :-[

First think carefully the title you want to give to your page. Think
carefully because in a wiki changing a page name after it was created is
often tricky.

Then go to the page where you want your new page to be accessible from (for
example "Components and Code examples"). Edit this page to add at the
correct place a link (with double angle brackets) to your new page. The
link contents should be the title you chose before. After saving this,
clicking on the link to your new page will lead you to a form prompting you
to create it. I did not try this in the Lazarus wiki, but this is how it
usually works in wikis.

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
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