svn co http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/lazarus/trunk "/opt/lazarus"--> where you want to download and use from there
cd /opt/lazarus
make clean all bigide  --> and many parameter

this is for debian/ubuntu. you have to  installed "subversion"

if I were you, if you not expert do NOT use snapshot. You can't find installer for snapshot (I hope YET)

you have to install FPC(FreePascal Compiler) for using lazarus. My suggestion for using fpc snapshot, if you don't wana goes mad don NOT use fpc snapshot. It hasn't got installer too. Read my messages's subject "Fatal: Compilation aborted"

05-03-2014 18:46 tarihinde, Edson F. Lidorio yazdı:


Where can I download Lazarus-1.3 snapshots for  64 bit?

Thank you


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