op 09-01-12 09:36, Koenraad Lelong schreef:
On 05-01-12 18:07, Mattias Gaertner wrote:

Can you create a small example and a bug report?





With a new project, last week I tried to do this again. First with Lazarus 1.08, today with Lazarus 1.2 (downloaded and installed this morning). Still the same problem. I looked in the bugtracker. There is a request for a new sample-project. Unfortunately I lost my password and the email-address is not valid anymore.
The bugtracker states :
You need to first link TfrDBDataSet to a TDbf (which could be in a TDatamodule) 
and then link the TfrDBDataSet to the TfrReport via the Dataset property.
When you use the query on the same form as the report, this is *not* needed. And adding a TfrDBDataSet and connecting it to the query on the datamodule does not work.

FWIW, I'm running WinXP.
I do have a new project with the mentioned TfrDBDataSet. Can I upload it here ?


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