On Thu, 13 Mar 2014 22:45:44 +1030
Steve Gatenby <ste...@nevets.com.au> wrote:

> Hoping somebody may be able to explain why the following doesn't stop 
> the Form closing.
> Button1 sets the method pointer correctly (I believe), as when closing 
> the form the showmessage occurs as expected (and shows the correct form 
> name).
> But the form closes anyway.
> procedure MyFormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: boolean);

Methods have a hidden Self parameter:

procedure MyFormCloseQuery(Self: TObject; Sender: TObject; var
CanClose: boolean);

Keep in mind that this is an implementation detail of the compiler,
which may be different on other platforms, may not work with special
compiler flags and may change in future.


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